*i like to stare at the scene thru a window,
maybe it shown that, i like to live inside my own world.
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recently, my colleague recommended a singer to me,
olivia ong, she is a newly jazz singer from singapore.
pure, personal and peaceful voice...
but there's a song, i love the most,
is "sweet memories",
just a sharing with u all...
maybe u like, or don't,
but... i love it.
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Natsukashii itami da wa
/ なつかしい痛みだわ / 是懷念的疼痛
Zutto mae ni wasurete ita
/ ずっと前に忘れていた / 從前一直忘記了
Demo anata wo mita toki
/ でもあなたを見たとき / 但是看你的時候
Jikan dake atomodori shita no
/ 時間だけ後戻りしたの / 只是時間回轉的你
"Shiawase?" to kikanaide
/ 「幸福?」と聞かないで / 「幸福?」感覺不到
Uso tsuku no wa jouzu ja nai
/ 嘘つくのは上手じゃない / 謊言不是更好?
Tomodachi nara iru kedo
/ 友達ならいるけど / 要是只是朋友
Anna ni wa moeagarenakute
/ あんなには燃えあがれなくて / 我不會一直想妳
Ushinatta yume dake ga
/ 失った夢だけが / 只失掉了的夢
Utsukushiku mieru no wa naze kashira
/ 美しく見えるのは何故かしら / 看上去為何美麗?
Sugisatta yasashisa mo ima wa
/ 過ぎ去った優しさも今は / 到現在也仍然美好
Amai kioku sweet memories
/ 甘い記憶 Sweet Memories / 甜的記憶 Sweet Memories
Don't kiss me baby we can never be
So don't add more pain
Please don't hurt me again
I have spent so many nights
Thinking of you longing for your touch
I have once loved you so much
Ano koro wa wakasugite
/ あの頃は若過ぎて / 那個時候太年輕
Itazura ni kizutsukeatta futari
/ 悪戯に傷つけあった二人 / 惡作劇傷害互相的二人
Iroaseta kanashimi mo ima wa
/ 色褪せた哀しみも今は / 褪色了的悲哀成了現在
Tooi kioku sweet memories
/ 遠い記憶 Sweet Memories / 遙遠的記憶 Sweet Memories
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check it out... really nice...